Italy 2023

Giorno Ventuno

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Fa bel tempo (nice day)

Oggi, non abbiamo camminato le mura. (Today we did not walk the walls.) Worked on the web site in the morning and then went to lunch.

Visited an art exhibit – pictures below.  Then had a gelato.  Needed a walk…

Had our last spritz here. Sad!

We started packing last night and  were 99% packed. finished today. Cleaned the apartment. Both of our mothers stressed that when you stay somewhere you leave it better than you found it. Not expected not necessary according to Gisella, but we did it anyway.

Received a nice note form Gisella. Katia dealing with so much now but, she did send a sendoff note. Andrea's father's funeral is today.

Bottiglia di vino con il nostro Torre delle Ore. (Bottle of wine with our Torre delle Ore – the clock tower.)

Early to bed as wake up time is 5:15am!

Where we buy our bread
so good
Lucca loves their dogs
Zucchini flowers
Different Bruschetta
pork cheeks sangiovese
Seafood soup
Spritz time
What is this star?
Last visit to balcony
It was a wonderful time
Our nightly companion